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- Outpatients Q&A: Demand & Activity
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Emergency Department
Medical Imaging
- Outpatient virtual learning - component overviews, functionality & features
- Outpatients Q&A: General questions
- Outpatients Q&A : Waiting List
- Outpatients Q&A : Uncategorised Referrals
- Outpatients Q&A: Wait Times
- Outpatients Q&A: Demand & Activity
- Outpatients Q&A: Clinic Effectiveness
- Outpatients Q&A: Open Referrals
- Component spotlights
- Surgery virtual learning - component overviews, functionality & features
- Surgery Q&A: General Questions
- Surgery Q&A: Waiting List
- Surgery Q&A: Demand & Capacity
- Surgery Q&A: Elective Schedule Monitor
- Surgery Q&A: Theatre Effectiveness
- Surgery Q&A: Chronological Management
- Surgery Q&A: Activity Trends
- Surgery Q&A: Emergencies Now
- Component walkthrough videos
- Component spotlights
How can I sustain zero long waits?
Outpatients > Demand & Activity
Use the Demand and Activity analysis to keep an eye on the number of appointments required to meet the demand each week. In addition, use the risk and projections component to monitor any unbooked risks, and as these arise, make a plan to book the patient in within time, or escalate the need for additional capacity to be able to treat the patient in time. Additional capacity could be created by examining the patients who have been be booked and rescheduling them if they have been treated out of turn, or it could mean creating additional clinic slots. Contact the customer success team for more help at customersuccess@healthcarelogic.com