Beds Q&A: Risk of Hospitalisation (RoH)
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How does SystemView calculate a patient's Risk of Hospitalisation?

To calculate the risk of rehospitalisation, open domains, click path to Beds, then Inpatient Flow monitor, then click on Hospital Overview. From the Patients by Ward and Ward LoS chart, click on a ward to bring up patient's risk of rehospitalisation.

SystemView has an algorithm that uses a range of variables that determines the percentage likelihood of a patient being readmitted at 30 or 60 days after discharge.

For 30 days Risk of Hospitalisation is: Low: < 15%, Medium: 15-30%, High: > 30%
For 60 days Risk of Hospitalisation is: Low: < 25%, Medium: 25-40%, High: > 40%

The patient demographic information that is utilised as predictors within the RoH model is as follows:
•    Age
•    Length of stay
•    Admission ward code (day ward admissions are not included)
•    Days since previous inpatient admission
•    Total time admitted in the previous 12 months
•    Number of ED presentations in the previous 12 months
•    Number of outpatient appointments in the previous 12 months”