HSEView Demand and Capacity

How is the 'Estimated Additional GI Scope Cases per Week from Outpatient Improvement Initiatives' (Column 'N') calculated in the HSEView Demand & Capacity component?

Column 'N' = Column 'L' * Conversion Rate

Column 'M' is calculated per specialty derived by multiplying the Increase in Removals per Week Required to Meet Demand and Clear Backlog from the Outpatient Report (L) by a user-defined conversion factor.

The value is derived using the formula below:

= L * Conversion Rate

The default Assumed Conversion Rate to IPDC (%) for HSE per specialty is as follows:
Cardiology: 0% 
Dermatology: 0%
Endocrinology: 0%
Gasto-Enterology: 20% 
General Medicine: 20%
General Surgery: 20%
Gynaecology: 0%
Neurology: 0%
Ophthalmology: 0%
Orthopaedics: 0%
ENT: 20%
Paediatrics: 20%
Pain Relief: 0%
Plastic Surgery: 0%
Respiratory Medicine: 20%
Rheumatology: 0%
Urology: 0%