HSEView Demand and Capacity

How is the 'Increase in Removals per Week Required to Meet Demand and Clear Backlog by the end of 2025/2026' (Column 'L') calculated in the HSEView Demand & Capacity component?

The value is derived using the formula below: L = max(0, K - F) L% = max(0, K-F)/F

Column 'L' shows the estimtaed increase in removals (i.e. the uplist relative to the baseline removal rate that is required to achieve balance (meet estimated weekly additions) and also clear the backlog of patients waiting over target (long waits) in <X> number of years (as defined in J). Rate of increase (in %) is shown in parentheses. 

SystemView will display 0 if there is no increase in removals required.

The value is derived using the formula below:
L = max(0, K - F)
L% = max(0, K-F)/F