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- Outpatients Q&A : Waiting List
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- Outpatients Q&A: General questions
- Outpatients Q&A : Waiting List
- Outpatients Q&A : Uncategorised Referrals
- Outpatients Q&A: Wait Times
- Outpatients Q&A: Demand & Activity
- Outpatients Q&A: Clinic Effectiveness
- Outpatients Q&A: Open Referrals
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- Surgery Q&A: General Questions
- Surgery Q&A: Waiting List
- Surgery Q&A: Demand & Capacity
- Surgery Q&A: Elective Schedule Monitor
- Surgery Q&A: Theatre Effectiveness
- Surgery Q&A: Chronological Management
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How many over-target/long waits do I have?
To find the number of over-target/long waits, open domains and follow the click path to Outpatients, then Waiting List and Trends.
Trends will show the number of over-target/long waits within the specialty as well as allow to see if they are unbooked or have an appointment date. A patient list extract can be generated to see who the patients are, what clinic they are waiting for, their category and treat by date. Patients who are booked after their clinically recommended timeframes as well as those not yet booked but close to their treat by date are easy to identify.