Emergency Department Q&A: Trends

The rationale of admission figures across the ED component. What does discharge home after DTA represent?

In Trends - Admissions - this will give you the number of admissions by ED departure date (if you present to ED on 01/11/23 and are discharged from ED to Medical 1 on 02/011/23 - you are counted as an admission on 02/11/23, this will include all admissions to wards and also all bed requests who do not make it to a ward. You can select Discharge home after DTA to give you the numbers of bed requests who did not make to a ward. 

In Trends - Pod Trends - you can filter departure status to admitted and then click on presentations, this will give you all the people who presented on a certain day who were admitted, (by day of presentation). This will include all admissions to wards and also all bed requests who do not make it to a ward, it is not possible to distinguish the patient who had DTA but did not make it to a ward unless you extract a patient list.

Discharge home after DTA - this is an SV code (not a source code). Where a decision to admit has been made and the patient does not get discharged from ED to a ward, SV assigns these people to Discharge home after DTA.

In PET analysis - you can select any day

In Trends - Demand and Activity - you can select any day and see the number of admissions. This will include all admissions to wards and also all bed requests who do not make it to a ward.

Note: Where area type has options for Main or Other make sure to select all.