Surgery Q&A: Theatre Effectiveness
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Theatre Utilisation Session Details table - What does each column mean, and how are the values calculated?

To find the session details table, navigate to Surgery > Theatre Effectiveness > Utilisation and select the 'Session Details' button.

Column A - Theatre: The theatre assigned to the session.

Column B - Date: Date of the assigned session.

Column C - Day: Day of the week session is assigned.

Column D - Session: Indicates if a session is a half-day session or all-day session. 1 = AM; 2 = PM and 3 = All day.

Column E - Start: Start time assigned for the session.

Column F - Finish: Finish time for session.

Column G - Scheduled Minutes: Total amount of minutes assigned to the session.

Column H - Consultant: Consultant / Surgeon assigned to the session. This is reflected on the Theatre session planner. If there has been a change to the surgeon using the list and there has not been notification of this, the session will reflect the previous holder. Sessions where there has been no notification of the session holder will be called unassigned.

Column I - Specialty: The specialty assigned to the session.

Column J - Used Minutes: Total actual minutes "patients were in OR" or the theatre was used.

This will include both elective and emergency patients, and is only the minutes that were used within the allocated list - meaning any operating minutes prior to list start time or after list finish time are not included. Also patient changeover, any late start time, and early finish time is NOT included in this calculation.

Column K - Unused Minutes: This is unused minutes between the list start and finish times that are a result of late starts or early finishes.

Column L - Late Start Minutes: Total minutes after the list start time that the first patient entered the theatre (wheels in time).

Column M - Early Finish Minutes: Total minutes the list finished before the planned finish time. This is calculated from the time the last case left, until the planned list finish time.

Column N - Total Elective Elapsed Time: Total amount of  minutes used for elective cases in the session plus changeover time.

Column O - Actual Elective Time: Total amount of used elective minutes in the session plus minutes for early start plus minutes over run - excludes changeover.

Column P - No. of Elective Ops: Number of planned elective operations booked for the session.

If there is a cancellation, it will be included in the total elective ops.

Column Q - Total Emergency Elapsed Time: Total amount of  minutes used for emergency cases in the session, plus changeover time.

Column R - Actual Emergency Time:  Total amount of used emergency minutes in the session plus minutes for early start plus minutes over run - excludes changeover.

Column S - No. of Emergency Ops: Number of emergency (unscheduled) operations performed on the list.

Column T - No. of Cancelled Ops: Number of cancelled elective operations on the session list.

Please note cancelled operations will also be recorded in no. of elective ops (Column P).

Column U - No. of Delays: Total number of recorded delays that occurred during the session.

Column V - Delay Minutes: Total number of delay minutes in the session.

Column W - In Session Changeover Minutes: Total number of changeover minutes for session.

Please note that a session may have more than one case, therefore more than one changeover and the minutes will be total for all changeovers. No changeover is counted for the last case. E.g. 5 cases on list = 4 changeovers.

Column X - Utilisation INC Changeover: Percentage of the session used within allocated session time including changeover.

(Used minutes (Column J) + in session changeover minutes (Column W) / allocated session minutes (Column G)*100)

This does not include early starts (Column AA) or overrun minutes (Column Z).

Column Y - Utilisation EXCL Changeover: Percentage of session used within allocated session time without changeover.

(Used minutes (Column J) / Allocated session minutes (Column G) *100)

This does not include early starts (column AA) or overrun minutes (Column Z).

Column Z - Total Overrun: Total minutes session overruns the allocated session minutes.

This is not included in total utilisation (Column Y) as it is above the allocated session minutes.

Column AA - Total Early Starts: Total Minutes the patient enters the theatre prior to session commencement time.

This is not included in the total utilisation (column Y) as it is above the allocated session minutes.

Column AB - Session Type: This will indicate the funding type of the session. Values include "public" "private" or "intermediate".