Outpatients Q&A: Clinic Effectiveness
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What is a new appointment not from the waiting list?

To find your appointments not from the waiting list, open domains and follow the click path to Outpatients, click Clinic Effectiveness and Appointments not from the waiting list.

An "appointment not from the waiting list" is a patient that has been seen in the clinic that did not have a referral on the waiting list. This can occur as a result of he following:

1. A patient requires to be seen urgently and they are booked into a clinic and seen on the same week that a referral was added to the waiting list,

2. A patient presents to the emergency department and is seen in clinic by a specialist rather than wait in the ED,

3. A patient is referred to another clinic and during their appointment the consultant asks for a consult from another specialist team,

4. A data entry error has occurred and the appointment doesn't link to the referral.