Beds Q&A: Risk of Hospitalisation (RoH)
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  3. Beds Q&A: Risk of Hospitalisation (RoH)

What wards are included in Beds > ROH calculation?

The inpatient wards are included in the calculation, day wards are excluded.

SystemView has an algorithm that uses a range of variables that determines the percentage likelihood of a patient being readmitted at 30 or 60 days after discharge.

For 30 days Risk of Hospitalisation is: Low: < 15%, Medium: 15-30%, High: > 30%
For 60 days Risk of Hospitalisation is: Low: < 25%, Medium: 25-40%, High: > 40%

The patient demographic information that is utilised as predictors within the RoH model is as follows:
•    Age
•    Length of stay
•    Admission ward code (day ward admissions are not included)
•    Days since previous inpatient admission
•    Total time admitted in the previous 12 months
•    Number of ED presentations in the previous 12 months
•    Number of outpatient appointments in the previous 12 months”