SystemView Q&A: General Questions

When should I use SystemView?

SystemView is designed for sustainable performance improvement.

Data available in SystemView is designed for clinical and operational leaders to understand how their department is operating now, at a single point in time in the past, or over the past 12-18 months. The trend lines typically update daily or weekly; this is intentional so that end users can look back and understand the events that occurred that day or that week. This provides end users with an understanding for what their routine business looks like, where and when they are doing well, and discover where there may be opportunities for service improvement.

SystemView should be used:

  • To understand service demand and patient flow;
  • To understand the activity being delivered;
  • When there is a real or perceived demand and capacity deficit and the team is keen to understand the cause and monitor the effectiveness of the solution;
  • When there is improvement required to meet performance standards and information is required to understand the opportunities for improvement;
  • When new processes are introduced and the team would like to monitor the impact on patient flow and / or performance;
  • To effectively manage waiting lists;
  • When an issue has been raised by a patient or team member and objective data is required; and
  • To design and monitor the effectiveness of improvement initiatives.