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Emergency Department
Medical Imaging
- Outpatient virtual learning - component overviews, functionality & features
- Outpatients Q&A: General questions
- Outpatients Q&A : Waiting List
- Outpatients Q&A : Uncategorised Referrals
- Outpatients Q&A: Wait Times
- Outpatients Q&A: Demand & Activity
- Outpatients Q&A: Clinic Effectiveness
- Outpatients Q&A: Open Referrals
- Component spotlights
- Surgery virtual learning - component overviews, functionality & features
- Surgery Q&A: General Questions
- Surgery Q&A: Waiting List
- Surgery Q&A: Demand & Capacity
- Surgery Q&A: Elective Schedule Monitor
- Surgery Q&A: Theatre Effectiveness
- Surgery Q&A: Chronological Management
- Surgery Q&A: Activity Trends
- Surgery Q&A: Emergencies Now
- Component walkthrough videos
- Component spotlights
Why has the trend line dropped to zero?
Report the issue by clicking on 'Learn' located in the top right had side to complete the form under 'feedback'
Data errors in SystemView are the result of one of the following:
1. A data input error has occurred within the source system,
2. There is an issue with the data feed coming into SystemView (including a delay or outage), or
3. there is an error in the SystemView calculation.
If the source system is up to date and reflecting the correct information please report the issue by clicking on 'Learn' located in the top right had side to complete the form under 'feedback'